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Showing posts from May, 2018

City Planning Partners with Council Districts at Metro DSC!

On Wednesday May 14, City Planning staff at the Metro Development Services Center, or DSC, opened its doors to Council District Planning Directors and Deputies. The behind-the-scenes tour allowed Planners and Council staff to create better partnerships and strengthen communication! City Planning works more effectively and efficiently if community members know the ins and outs of project planning and processing. And no one knows each district of Los Angeles better than their Council District Planning Directors and Deputies. Their input is vital to us staying informed and well versed in working on our shared vision. As they work on the front lines each day with Angelenos, District Planning Directors feel the pulse of Los Angeles. At the same time, planners at our Metro DSC are getting that same first hand feedback from customers. Naturally, the Department felt it critical to allow Council staff to witness a day in the life of a planner at the counter. Some of our serv...

City Planning Teams Move to Figueroa Plaza!

The city of Los Angeles might grow quickly, but the Department of City Planning grows even faster! Due to the recent uptick in the size of the department’s staff, several units have made an exciting move to Figueroa Plaza - this is to accommodate space in City Hall for all the additional new staff members. The Office of Historic Resources (OHR), the Historic Preservation Overlay Zones Office, the Urban Design Studio and Major Projects have made the move. The OHR was first, taking the trip east to 221 N. Figueroa St., Suite 1350 , on April 9th . Major Projects and Urban Design joined them on the same floor with additional staff on the 14th floor. The OHR is now in the same complex as the City’s Development Services Center, which helps us group more of the department’s public-facing functions together. As a heads up, all email addresses stay the same, but phone numbers have changed! Find the new numbers here . It’s a new building and a new environm...